Most accurately predicted astrology events of 2023-24

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In my practice as an astrologer, I have the habit of first making the predictions and then following up with those predictions/events to test the techniques/ayanamsa etc. So, in today’s short post, I will revisit the predictions I had made for the year 2023-2024 in this article/videos. This is important because now we are in a different astronomical setting as Jupiter has moved into the sign of Tropical Gemini, Saturn continues his transit in tropical Pisces and Rahu/Ketu are still transiting in Aries/Libra axis.

To summarize my article that was published on Feb 16th 2023, the most important predictions related to Saturn/Jupiter and Rahu and Ketu are below:

Saturn in Pisces:

Pisces shows water bodies and oceans. So, we can expect to see some important focal point on marine life and the shipping industry. If other transits also support this transit of Saturn, there could be oil spills in oceans leading threats to marine life flora and fauna. Depending on other triggers in the sky from grahas such as Mars, Jupiter, Sun and Moon on angles to Saturn in transit, particularly + or – 1 month of eclipse windows, it could even trigger Tsunami’s and floods that are irregular in nature. We could see some big controversies surrounding shipment yards, marine force/officers, companies and customs offices around the world of unusual proportions. Pisces also shows places such as ashrams, temples and monasteries including people residing in such places like priests and monks. So, we can expect to see some major focus on such places in the world. It is interesting because the Ayodhya Rama Mandir in India is set to complete construction and open to public during this transit of Saturn. The temple trust of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir has set a deadline of December 2023 for it’s completion, the construction began when Jupiter was transiting in Sagittarius. It always fascinates me on the double transits of Jupiter and Saturn, the planet of Dharma and Karma respectively, their tandem action leading to results. We have seen the death of many religious leaders worldwide at the end of 2022 before heading to 2023. Saturn being the planet of death, Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac that shows completions nirvana and Moksha, so there could be many more passing away of religious leaders or politicians, world leaders, activists, social workers, prominent spiritual personalities worldwide.

Additional note which is not present in the video recording (added 19 Feb 2023): When I was recording the video, the same day there has been an earthquake in New Zealand. The link to the news article is attached. Saturn is at the very cusp of entering Pisces, a water sign. But, he is closely trining Mars in transit at the moment. When Saturn enters Pisces, before Mars exits Gemini, there will square aspects and rasi aspects between these grahas. Basically, Saturn and Mars are on angles to each other that time. However, even when in Aquarius, the impact is very much there as it is at the edge of the sign. According to Maharisi Jaimini, Aquarius shows Islands where as Pisces shows water bodies and Oceans. So, the recent earthquake in New Zealand is not a surprise given that it happened in Wellington, but tremors were felt in both Islands. In the next 2.5 years or so, the coastal nations of the world and island nations surrounded by water bodies will be most impacted with natural disasters such as quakes and floods, but it will most likely be of unusual proportions. The next impact would definitely be when Saturn and Mars are in opposition to each other, that is when Mars moves into tropical Virgo (10 July 2023 to 27 Aug 2023). This will be followed by Saturn-Mars conjunction transit (Exact date is 11 April 2024) when Mars moves in tropical sign of Pisces (23 March 2024 to 30 April 2024). All this will happen while Saturn is transiting in Pisces for the next 2.5 years or so. It is good to keep an eye on this windows of transit for astrologers who are interested to research natural disasters.

Jupiter in Taurus:

In the default situation, Jupiter’s transit in Venus ruled Taurus has a enemy dignity. This is because Venus is an enemy to Jupiter in astrology. However, it is still a earth sign, natural artha house and Jupiter is the Karaka for the 2nd house of finances (Taurus in the natural zodiac), so we must take this into account. Further, it is a year long transit of Jupiter, so if he undergoes aspects of enemies Mercury and hard square aspects from other grahas, the results can vary. Now the situation becomes interesting because the global economic situation looks bleak as the international monetary fund (IMF) predicts a recession for 2023. The impact is already severe as we are also in a state of hyper-inflation impacting many countries across the world. Jupiter is the natural karaka for Dhana or wealth and Taurus is the natural house of wealth. However, Jupiter is in Kshuditha avastha, a starved state in the signs of Venus due to Venus being an enemy to Jupiter. The interesting bit to me is that a starvation is nothing but a scarcity, a recession is a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters. But, the unique nature of Jupiter in Taurus is that even though there is Kshuditha avastha created, which might result in lack of growth, still the economy will rebound or sustain. So, I predict that, yes there will be slowdown, there will be some turbulent times, but the benefic nature of Jupiter will at least lead to maintenance of the economy either in the form of interest rate hikes or other ways. There will not be a complete meltdown like in the year 2008 or before that. This is because of the natural Karaka Jupiter transiting in the natural Dhana sthana of Taurus.

When, covid struck the world and I had predicted the stock market crash of 2020 to the accuracy of the month (link to that article), that year Jupiter was in Debilitation in the tropical sign of Capricorn. However, now Jupiter is not in Debilitation in the sign of Taurus, but Jupiter is in Kshuditha avastha, a starved state. Jupiter will be rasi aspecting the sign of Capricorn. So, the transit of Jupiter in the sign of Taurus is a feed-forward effect of whatever had happened in the sign of Capricorn during 2020. Since, Jupiter is the benefic graha, his rasi aspects will manifest results. So, the world is still experiencing the aftermath results of the 2020 crash as there is connection via the rasi aspect to the sign of Capricorn. However, as previously mentioned, the Jupiter transit in 2023 is much better positioned than in 2020. It is not perfect, but we are getting there as the recovery is happening. My prediction is that the full recovery of the global economy from the Pandemic and the War will not happen until Jupiter moves in transit to the Tropical sign of Cancer starting from period of 10 June 2025 until 30 June 2026. The movement of energy for Jupiter would be from Capricorn – Taurus – Cancer —> Debilitation – Enemy – Exaltation. When Jupiter was transiting in Capricorn, he was in neecha or low state. When Jupiter will transit in Cancer, he will reach the uccha or high state. This will also complete one cycle from neecha to ucca ~ 7 years transit of Jupiter, so major changes are ahead. In many ways, the pandemic was a result of man’s actions (Karma) and atrocities against nature (Saturn is the karaka for nature and animals, Capricorn is the natural Karma sthana) and divine judgment (Jupiter is the Divine Judge or Perceptor) was delivered when Jupiter was transiting in Capricorn (Saturn is the Karmic Judge).

On 8 January 2020, the time when Covid pandemic gripped the world, Jupiter was in Lajjitha (shamed) avastha in the transit chart as he was conjunct a node (Ketu) to the degree, conjunct enemy Mercury causing Kshuditha (starvation), conjunct Sun leading to Kshobitha (agitation) and conjunct Saturn leading to Kshuditha (starvation) avasthas. So, the last time Jupiter came in direct contact with a node was on 8 Jan 2020. Next time Jupiter will conjunct a node to the degree is on 2nd June 2023, this time Rahu. The avasthas pretty much remain the same for Jupiter except there is no starvation on account of Saturn and agitation from the Sun. But, there is Lajjitha and severe Kshuditha avastha on account of conjunction to Mercury and transiting in the rasi of Venus.

There is one interesting overlapping two month window of time in 2023, that time when Jupiter has entered Taurus and Rahu is still transiting in Taurus before moving to Aries. This window of time is 16 May 2023 until 18 July 2023. The last time when Jupiter and Rahu were conjunct was in Tropical Virgo, there were many changes that happened and took the world by storm. I encourage you to read these posts (click to read post 1 and post 2) if you are interested to know about the nature of Jupiter and Rahu conjunctions. The issue with the Jupiter-Rahu conjunction is that it creates a “Guru-Chandala” Yoga in the chart. The last time this happened we saw the rise of extremist and dogmatic theme centered leaders on the world stage. The rise of the far right parties worldwide happened. These leaders could have both political and cult-like projection of their persona and approach in the world. Back in 2016, Yes, Donald Trump rose to fame and power because of this trigger. So, we can expect some major extremist theme activities to take place during this time. Since Rahu will eclipse Guru, we could also see scams related to spiritual leaders, religious figures, philosophers and religious places to take center stage. These scams will more or less have a financial scams or possessions or losses centered theme. If it is pointing in the chart of those natives (in the form of bandhana yoga and other Dur yogas etc. ) and considering the Saturn transit in Pisces, these natives could also be imprisoned. Unfortunately, the extreme nature of Rahu can also lead to clashes and violence between religious groups or violence on account of belief systems clashes between people. Lastly, we can expect the countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka that are suffering debt crisis to have important verdicts and consequences passed during this time, the nature of this could lead to defaulting of loans and bankruptcies (added/edited on 19 Feb 2023, excluded in the video recording).

Furthermore, I expect some major financial developments, stock market and economic events to happen in this window of 16 May 2023 until 18 July 2023. It will coincide with the the shadow of the April-May 2023 eclipses. So, any events that are triggered on global scale in April-May 2023, will have continued impact until 18 July 2023, with peak being around 1st week of June 2023. Almost 3 years ago, I had written the article related to the predictions for 2023. You can read about other important predictions by clicking on this link and keep track of the dates and world events during this time. Also, note one important point about upcoming Jupiter transit in Cancer, that time Jupiter will be opposite to the degree and sign of Capricorn, when the Pandemic started. So, this is an important trigger transit. I expect some major news to break related to crypto, NFT and stock exchange centered. Also, there is a possibility FOREX market will undergo extreme swings in points (added/edited on 19 Feb 2023, excluded in the video recording).

Rahu and Ketu in Aries/Libra axis:

You can read about other important predictions related to Rahu and Ketu by clicking on this link and keep track of the dates and world events during this time. This time the major shift or impact will be on the rasi of Aries and Libra. Aries is the rasi of self-sufficiency whereas Libra is the rasi of working with others and relationships. A healthy Aries-Libra axis is the state of perfectly blend inter-dependent relationships where both parties involved contribute equally and benefit equally. An unhealthy Aries-Libra axis is when independence and co-dependence run to the extremes. Is this not interesting that we are in the period when the entire world is trying to shy away from China and get rid-off the codependency on it’s “global-factories”?! So, you can expect major shifts to happen again in this arena of globalization, trade, diplomatic ties, foreign investments, relations and connections. In fact due to the ongoing radical changes in the area of global trade, many important CEO’s of big tech companies claim that globalization is as good as dead. And guess what? Ketu is the planet transiting in Libra. Ketu shows completing phases or ending of outer structures where as Rahu is where the work and progress and development must happen. Ketu shows the overly utilized or exhausted nature of the house or grahas that it is conjunct or transiting, now that is Libra! So, we had reached a state where the major imbalance was created by extreme co-dependence on China for almost all products in every country in the world. So, this extreme imbalance must be offset to bring balance back to the world. Hence, the world is shifting once again towards “make-in-own” country policy. You can see big curbs and cutbacks of trade deals with China as major economies like USA, Japan, India and countries of Europe are pulling out supplies and trade.The other area where this transit will have its major impact is the Russia-Ukraine war. This is also the area of diplomacy between nations seen through the sign of Libra. This will have impact on the global trade and economy as well.

Accurate results of the predictions of year 2023-2024 with the timeline:

Natural Disasters

  1. Turkey-Syria Earthquake: February 6, 2023. A magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck southern Turkey and northern Syria, resulting in over 50,000 deaths and massive destruction.
  2. Himachal/Kedarnath Floods: July 9, 2023. Severe floods in Himachal Pradesh and Kedarnath, India, led to significant destruction and several deaths.

  3. Severe Rains Impacting Amarnath Yatra: July 8, 2023. Heavy rains caused disruptions and fatalities during the Amarnath Yatra pilgrimage in India.

  4. Alaska Earthquake: July 16, 2023. A magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck Alaska, causing damage but no reported fatalities.
  5. Morocco Earthquake: September 8, 2023. A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Morocco, causing significant damage and numerous fatalities.

  6. Severe Rains and Flood NY: October 2, 2023. New York City experienced severe rains and flooding, leading to significant disruptions and property damage.

  7. Maui Wildfire Disaster: August 8, 2023. Devastating wildfires in Maui, Hawaii, led to extensive destruction and loss of life.

  8. Ten countries and territories saw severe flooding in just 12 days: September started with a typhoon that ripped through Hong Kong, uprooting trees and flooding the city. It was the first of a slew of extreme weather events that have hit ten countries and territories in just 12 days – the most catastrophic being the floods in Libya, which have killed more than 11,000 people according to the UN and left many thousands missing.
  9. Dubai Unusual Rain: December 15, 2023. Unprecedented rainfall occurred in Dubai, causing flooding in areas not typically affected by rain.

  10. Taiwan Tsunami warning: April 2, 2024.Tsunami warnings were issued for Taiwan, the Okinawa islands of Japan and parts of the Philippines. 9 killed and 963 injured in Taiwan after 7.4-magnitude quake

  11. Indonesia Earthquake: April 27, 2024. A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck Indonesia’s Java, with tremors felt in Jakarta, leading to damage but no reported fatalities.

  12. Indonesia Volcano Eruption: April 18, 2024. A volcanic eruption in Indonesia triggered a tsunami warning, causing panic and evacuation.

Accidents and Disasters

  1. Orissa, India Balasore train accident: June 2nd 2023, 296 people were killed in the crash and more than 1,200 were injured. It was one of the deadliest railway accidents in India.
  2. Titanic Submersible Incident: June 18, 2023. The Titan submersible imploded during a descent to the Titanic wreck, killing all five people on board​ (Wikipedia)​. For the Titanic submersible disaster, an insightful article discussing the warnings about its potential risks can be found here: Titanic Submersible Was a Disaster Waiting to Happen.

  3. Pakistan Temple Attack: July 17th 2023, a Hindu temple in Pakistan was attacked by extremists. The attack was reportedly motivated by religious intolerance and resulted in damage to the temple and several injuries (link).

  4. Madurai Train Fire: August 27, 2023. A fire on a train in Madurai, India, killed several passengers.

  5. Mass Shooting in the USA: August 26, 2023. A mass shooting in Jacksonville, Florida, resulted in multiple fatalities.

  6. Romania LPG Blast: August 26, 2023. An LPG explosion in Romania caused significant damage and fatalities.

  7. Mozambique Ferry Disaster: April 8, 2024. A ferry disaster in Mozambique resulted in 90 deaths.

  8. Cargo Ship Collision in Baltimore: April 8, 2024. A cargo ship collision occurred in Baltimore during a solar eclipse, resulting in significant damage.

  9. Stampede in India: July 2nd 2024. The stampede at the ‘satsang’ of Bhole Baba claimed 121 lives in Sikandararu area of Hathras on July 2. The Uttar Pradesh government has constituted an SIT and a judicial commission to probe into the incident. The godman was not mentioned as accused in the FIR lodged at Sikandrarau police station.

  10. Indian Naval Ship accident: July 23rd 2024. Frigate INS Brahmaputra ‘lying on its side’ after fire; sailor missing (event added to this post July 24th 2024, not in the video)

Political and Social Events

  1. Manipur Violence: May 3, 2023. Ethnic violence erupted in Manipur, India, resulting in significant unrest and numerous fatalities.

  2. France Protests: Starting Jan 19, 2023. Nationwide protests in France began against pension reform proposals, leading to widespread demonstrations and clashes with police. Peaked during June 2023.

  3. Israel-Hamas War: October 8, 2023. The conflict between Israel and Hamas escalated, coinciding with a solar eclipse, leading to numerous casualties.

  4. Red Sea War: April 2024. Tensions in the Red Sea region increased significantly, leading to a series of military engagements.

  5. Iran-Israel Conflict: April 8, 2024. The Iran-Israel conflict escalated significantly. This started with the capture of a shipping vessel.

Deaths and Murders

  1. Italy PM Death: June 12, 2023. Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi passed away at the age of 86 (interestingly during the time of the peak of Guru-Chandala Yoga in the sky, the Guru-Chandala Yoga was exact in the sky from 30 May 2023 to 13 June 2023, within 3 degree orb of separation).

  2. Jain Priest Mysterious Murder: July 7, 2023. Jain priest Acharya Shri Kamakumara Nandi Maharaj was found dead, with investigations indicating foul play.

  3. King Charles Cancer Diagnosis: February 5, 2024. King Charles was diagnosed with cancer following a procedure for an enlarged prostate.
  4. Trump Assassination Attempt: July 13, 2024. Former U.S. President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt in a public incident.

Scientific and Environmental Discoveries

  1. Ancient Whale Discovered in Peru: August 17, 2023. Paleontologists announced the discovery of an ancient whale species in Peru, providing new insights into marine life evolution.
  2. Norwegian Submersible Seabed Mining Permission: April 2024. Norway granted permission for a submersible to conduct seabed mining in the Arctic.T he Nordic country – not among the EU’s 27 member states – became the first in the world to approve seabed exploitation on January 9, when its parliament voted in favour of allowing mining companies to scour 281,000 square km of its waters, an area almost the size of Italy (link).

  3. Discovery of ‘dark oxygen’ from deep-sea metal lumps could trigger rethink of origins of life: July 25th 2024,

Legal and Financial Events

  1. Litigation Against Coinbase: June 6, 2023. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a lawsuit against Coinbase for operating as an unregistered securities exchange

  2. Between May 16, 2023, and July 18, 2023, several notable financial, stock market, and economic events occurred. Here are some of the major developments within this period and slightly outside it:

    1. US Debt Ceiling Crisis: In early June 2023, the U.S. narrowly avoided a financial crisis as Congress reached a last-minute agreement to raise the debt ceiling. This prevented a potential default on national debt, which could have had catastrophic implications for global financial markets​ (J.P. Morgan | Official Website)​​ (Brookings)​.

    2. Interest Rate Hikes: The Federal Reserve continued its series of interest rate hikes to combat inflation, which had significant impacts on financial markets. On June 14, 2023, the Fed raised rates again, leading to fluctuations in the stock market and affecting global economic outlooks​ (J.P. Morgan | Official Website)​​ (World Economic Forum)​.

    3. Bank Failures: In late March 2023, the collapse of several mid-sized banks, including Silicon Valley Bank, had lingering effects into May and June. This caused ripples in the financial sector and raised concerns about the stability of smaller financial institutions​ (World Economic Forum)​​ (Brookings)​.

    4. Stock Market Performance: The S&P 500 saw a notable recovery during this period, rising from approximately 4,115 on May 25 to around 4,455 by early July. This recovery was partly driven by optimism surrounding tech stocks and a better-than-expected earnings season​ (J.P. Morgan | Official Website)​.

    5. Global Economic Outlook: The IMF’s World Economic Outlook in July 2023 highlighted a slowdown in global growth, projecting it to fall from 3.5% in 2022 to 3.0% in both 2023 and 2024. Persistent challenges included inflationary pressures and the impact of higher interest rates on economic activity​ (International Monetary Fund)​​ (IMF)​.

    6. Tech Sector Rally: Throughout June and July 2023, there was a significant rally in tech stocks, particularly in AI-related companies. This surge was driven by advancements in artificial intelligence and robust earnings reports from major tech firms​ (J.P. Morgan | Official Website)​.

    7. Cryptocurrency Market: The cryptocurrency market experienced both challenges and growth:
      • Q2 2023: There was a significant drop in spot trading volumes on centralized exchanges, with Binance’s market share decreasing due to regulatory pressures. Decentralized exchanges also saw a decline in trading volumes​ (CoinGecko)​​ (CoinGecko)​.

      • Q3 2023: Crypto trading volumes rebounded in anticipation of Bitcoin ETFs and other bullish sentiments, with trading volumes increasing notably in Q4​ (CoinGecko)​.

Social Phenomena

  1. Lying Flat Phenomenon in China: Gained significant media attention around May 2023, highlighting the growing trend among young Chinese people to reject the pressures of a traditional career-focused lifestyle.

The summary of events in chronological order is listed below, interested astrologers can study these specific events on the dates to derive more understanding.


Feb 7: Syria Turkey Earthquakes
May 3: Manipur Violence
June 2nd 2023: Orissa, India Balasore train accident
Jun 12: Italy PM Death
Jun 18: Titanic Submersible Incident
Jun 19: France Pension Protests peak
Jul 7: Jain Priest Mysterious Murder
Jul 8: Severe Rains Impacting Amarnath Yatra
Jul 9: Himachal/Kedarnath Floods
Aug 8: Maui Wildfire Disaster
Aug 15: HMS Queen Elizabeth Incident
Aug 17: Ancient Whale Discovered in Peru
Aug 26: Mass Shooting in the USA
Aug 26: Romania LPG Blast
Aug 27: Madurai Train Fire
Oct 2: Severe Rains and Flood NY
Oct 2: USS Connecticut Collision


Jan 9th: Norway approved deep sea mining                                                                                                                       
Mar 5: Japanese Research Vessel Capsize
Apr 2: Taiwan earthquake and Tsunami warning
Apr 8: Mozambique Ferry Disaster  
Apr 8: Cargo Ship Collision in Baltimore
Apr 18: Indonesia Volcano Eruption
Apr 27: Indonesia Earthquake
May 10: Russian Navy Exercise Incident
Jul 13: Trump Assassination Attempt

asato ma sadgamaya
tamaso ma jyotirgamaya
mrtyorma amrtam gamaya
om shanti shanti shanti.

ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय ।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Lead me from the asat to the sat.
Lead me from darkness to light.
Lead me from death to immortality
Om Peace Peace Peace.

(Brhadaranyaka Upanishad — I.iii.28)

!! Hari OM !!

!! OM TAT SAT !!