Predicting the big stock market crash/recession at the start of a new decade (5 years in the making)
Since Rahu and Jupiter were transiting in tropical Virgo (year 2015-16), the interest to predict the next big stock market crash was sort of kindled in me. During that time, the stock market was showing signs of ups and downs which led me to believe that it would come crashing down. So, I even wrote articles on that on how the world financial markets would be impacted: The prediction article: Evaluation of the prediction: . Around that period another interesting thing developed on the world stage – the US elections and rise of Donald trump.
Fast forward – 5 years from 2015, you will see the connection on how everything was just brewing underneath the Jupiter/Rahu in tropical Virgo transit. The 2016 ups and downs in the stock market when Jupiter and Rahu were conjunct in Tropical Virgo was like the ashes covering the red hot lava underneath. The lava being the Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto/Ketu conjunction in Capricorn where most importantly Jupiter is debilitated. Why is Jupiter important? Jupiter is the karaka for finances. Stock markets/ are particularly shown by Mercury. So, when Jupiter who is the Karaka for finances goes into debilitation in Capricorn and most importantly he conjuncts the cabinet of malefic planets – Saturn/Ketu/Pluto and Mars, then it calls for attention of any student of astrology. The areas that will be impacted are finances (banks, stock market, currency), crude oil (Jupiter rules fat, saturn particularly shows crude oil as it is from dead things), religious leaders and institutions, deaths of prominent religious figures, impact on children or cases/prominent events related to children.
When astrologers make predictions of world events, we tend to narrowly focus on only the year or particular transit in question. Many astrologers tend to make the same mistakes when it comes to birth charts. There is lack of vision to see when/which “bulb” glows after turning on a particular “Switch”. There are always multiple things happening in any given chart, for example when we purchase a vehicle, this is a 4th house (vehicle) and 11th house event (gain). However, at the same time the 6th house and 12th house may get activated, you may wonder how? if the person purchased the vehicle by availing a loan (debt, 6th house) or by selling another old car (12th house), then along with the 4th house event, a 6th/12th house event is occurring in tandem . Likewise, same concept can be used to study the world events. When, I saw the Jupiter and Rahu conjunction in Virgo during 2016-17, I began to look into the future of Jupiter transits. Why was this interesting to me? I was looking at the impact the US politics can have on economy and stock market. Note at that time in 2016, US elections was happening and Donald trump was rising. At that time, something stood out and that was another upcoming US elections of Nov 2020. A very interesting connection indeed and an astrological celestial event was happening too in the year 2020 – Jupiter who was in Tropical Virgo during the year 2016 would have moved into tropical Capricorn where he undergoes Debilitation. Not only that, Ketu would be transiting in Capricorn during 2019-20 while Rahu would be opposite Ketu in the sign of Cancer. Interesting enough, Pluto was also in the sign of Capricorn along with the lord of the sign Saturn for quite sometime (Saturn moved into tropical Capricorn 20 Dec 2017 and exits tropical Capricorn temporarily 22 March 2020). All these planetary energies in the sign of Capricorn made me feel that the BIG SHOWDOWN was lined up for 2020. So, at that time I had shared with my astrology friends and colleagues on studying Kala Yahoo group that I expect something big to happen in 2020 which would disrupt the world economy in a huge manner.
I also had an extreme interest in writing a follow up article on that by researching the past world events and co-relating to the astrological phenomenon of 2020. However, circumstances in my life forced me to stay out of astrology for almost an entire year of 2019. Yes, 2019 was the most non-productive and non-fruitful year of my entire life so far. Therefore, I could never follow-up on the research and also complete the article. However, off-late I am getting back to my former self and slowly but steadily pulling my self back again. As the saying goes – what doesn’t kill you simply makes you stronger!
So what is the intent of this post then? I am sure by now you as a reader would have watched hundred’s of youtube videos or read plenty of articles on the astrology of the corona virus/stock market crash etc. I am also pretty, pretty sure that most of the astrologers are also having conflicting thoughts, views and opinions and also maybe contradicting their own predictions. The intent of this article is to simply share the views and thoughts on predicting the next big crash which I had foreseen almost 5 years ago. The intent is also to simply make fellow astrologers and readers aware on the importance of the right ayanamsa. why is this so important? yes, it is important because it is only by studying events like these – the coronavirus/stock market crash/the recession that have impact on global consciousness in a huge way, can we really figure out how/why a particular ayanamsa makes more sense than the other! Once again, this post is not to brag that I got the prediction right almost 5 years before it happened. This post is to make the reader or a fellow astrology colleague of mine aware that if they had used the right ayanamsa they would have also seen it coming. It was so easy and it was as if the event was just standing out, waiting to be read or predicted. As mentioned, I did not have the luxury of time and good luck on my side to dig deeper into the event several years in advance and expose it before it actually manifested. But, there are many skilled astrologers out there who if only had used the right ayanamsa could have taken the lead I provided long ago and researched the events thoroughly and made more solid predictions about the virus outbreak. I hope by the end of this article, I have convinced you as an astrologer to at least try the tropical rasis with sidereal nakshatras ayanamsa as proposed by my teacher Ernst Wilhelm ( which can help you arrive at more accurate scientific predictions. This way, there will be more scientifically centered astrologers who can help lift the veil of astrology and take it from the current pseudo-science status to the rightly deserved status of DIVINE SCIENCE!
Below, I share a few snapshots/transcripts/snippets about the discussions I had with my friends on Studying kala group long ago about the events in 2020. You will see how accurate astrology can be if we do it in the scientific manner!

As clearly mentioned in the post, I discuss about the exact window of time when big showdown was going to take place and things would go out of control – the two major ones being eclipses along the capricorn-cancer axis, namely Dec 26th 2019 and Jan 10th 2020. Second one – when Mars joins the party of the conjunctions which is the month of Feb-March 2020 when Mars entered the sign of Capricorn, exact date being Feb 16th 2020 (where eclipse had taken place and all gas giants/outer planets were conjunct). Interesting enough the name covid-19 was given by WHO in Feb 14th, when Mars was in Mula nakshatra. Mula nakshatra is ruled by Ketu. Mars was in Mula nakshatra for the entire period of Feb 4th to Feb 21st. I attach the events as reported on NY times of the major events related to the Virus outbreak (ref: Source: You can see how the impact of Mars has been when he moved in nakshatra of Ketu as well as his impact on stock market crash when Mars moved past the eclipse points in capricorn during the month of March 2020. In conclusion, the majority of the events happened when Mars was in Ketu’s Mula nakshatra or when he moved to tropical Capricorn.
Below are some more interesting things you can see the magic of astrology and factors supporting tropical rasis.
a) See that cruise ship (Princess cruises) which is a water body related was also caught up in the virus outbreak on a foreign land (Cancer sign). (ref: Source:
b) As mentioned prominent religious figures, institutions and organizations were expected to be in fore-front due to Jupiter being debilitated and participating in the eclipse of 26th Dec 2019 and Jan 10th 2020. It so happens that a secretive church was linked to the outbreak of the virus in south korea (ref: Source:
c) Also, note a banking crisis is expected to take place. As predicted if the recession continues, the first sector that will be impacted will be finance and particularly banks. Also, I expect to see some bank scams come to surface later this year when Jupiter-Saturn conjunction happens. For now, we did see a major crisis in India already manifest which was the Yes bank crisis. (ref:
d) The aviation industry is severely impacted to the extent of bankruptcy. Aviation is seen from the X house in the zodiac which is the vyoma sthana (sky house). Due to the severe impact of Jupiter’s debilitation the airline industry had to halt all operations during the corona virus outbreak. (ref:
e) Another sad part of this story was a prominent religious leader and GOD like great saint Udupi Pejawar Mutt seer Vishwesha Teertha Swami passed away on Dec 29th 2019. Prominent figures who are meant to change the course of humanity are born and leave this earthly plane during eclipses. The loss of the great saint was also during the eclipse of Dec 2019 as Jupiter was caught in the eclipse. (ref:
f) Earlier during the year 2019, another great Saint who lived for 111 years and who is considered as “Walking GOD on Earth”, Sri Shivakumara Swamiji also passed away on Jan 21st 2019. This was another Solar eclipse on Jan 21st 2019, however Jupiter was not participating in the eclipse but he was conjunct to the degree transiting Venus in the Sky in the sign of tropical Sagittarius which is the sign of religious figures. (ref:
g) Another huge monumental event also happened in India during the transit of Jupiter in tropical Sagittarius. I had also predicted this event many years ago and informed my closed ones that the verdict will be in favor of Ram Mandir construction and it will occur when Jupiter transits in tropical Sagittarius. As predicted the landmark verdict came out in favor of the Ram Mandir construction on Nov 9th 2019 when Jupiter was still transiting in Sagittarius, in the Mula Nakshatra which shows origins and roots. Justice was restored back to its origin in time. That event too, many of friends challenged me and told that the Ram Mandir case has been in dispute for several decades, how would the verdict happen that particular time. I solely based it on transit of Jupiter in Sagittarius because it is the natural 9th house and a religious sign. It particularly shows monasteries and pilgrimages and also law and order. Hence, I knew that a huge verdict will be announced during the time Jupiter was still transiting in tropical Sagittarius. (Ref:

This brings me to dates, importance of eclipses and why the virus? As you can see in the post I mention that there is a powerful kalasarpa yoga happening the sky at the time. Particularly, I would like to draw the attention to the 26th December 2019 eclipse.
The chart below is cast for Bangalore, India, IST. You can see a 6 planetary conjunction in the sign of Capricorn which is consumed by the node ketu. Except for Venus who is in tropical Aquarius that time, all planets fall in the Cancer-Capricorn axis forming a powerful Kalasarpa yoga (outer planets are ignored for this yoga in traditional vedic astrology). You cannot over-state the importance of the sign Capricorn for complex, peculiar, unknown and non-treatable or incurable illness. for this, I will have to refer you to another article specially dedicated to the sign Capricorn: Normally, in astrology a Mars-Ketu conjunction is responsible for virus outbreaks, particularly Ketu/Rahu must be involved with Mars. Experience has shown that ketu-Mars conjunction to be more potent for virus than Mars-Rahu conjunction. However, interestingly in the 26th Dec 2020 eclipse astrology chart, Mars is still not conjunct Ketu in Capricorn. However, note something important is happening that time, Mars is transiting in Scorpio which is an insect sign and 8th house of hidden things, death and unforeseen/unpredictable situations. The coronavirus is found to have originated in the bat, spread to Pangolin and then to a human. Just perfect illustration of astrology for you! In the article related to the sign Capricorn, I mention that it is represented by a complex creature, hence mutations are seen from capricorn. So, first the bat (insect sign of scorpio where Mars was transiting), next the carrier to pangolin which can be connected through the complexity of capricorn sign itself – where it is not single carrier but a mutation arising from insect and a mammal.

However, it is reported that the first occurrence of the virus in Wuhan, China was on 17th November 2019. The first death on account of the Virus was on Jan 11th 2020 (just one day after the lunar eclipse of Jan 10th 2020). Something to always keep in mind with regard to eclipses is that the events normally happen +1 month or -1 month in the eclipse window. Sometimes, the event that was triggered during the eclipse can last 3-4 months after the eclipse itself. In more severe cases, which most likely will be the case for the year 2020, given that we have 6 eclipses this year, the event that was triggered during Jan 10th 2020 eclipse and 26th Dec 2019 eclipse, will come to a conclusion or have an impact during the months of May, June, July, August 2020. The primary reason for this being the fact that there are 3 eclipses lined up during those months – Lunar eclipse on June 5-6th 2020; Annular solar eclipse on June 21th 2020 and another Lunar eclipse on July 4-5th 2020. These three dates will be first threshold points for the stock market/coronavirus/ potential oil crisis/ economic recession/ impact on trade. Among this, I do see the most important date will be the Annular Solar eclipse on June 21st 2020. There are two reasons for this:
a) The coronovirus itself was triggered due to the Dec 26th 2019 solar eclipse, so the next important event is always going to be the next immediate solar eclipse that follows.
b) June 20-21st is a very important date on every year as it is the day of the Solstice (summer solstice for the nothern hemisphere and winter solstice for the southern hemisphere). It is the day when sun changes sign from tropical Gemini to Cancer, Sun changes path from Uttarayana (northern hemisphere) to Dakshinayana (southern hemisphere).
Some other important dates and celestial events to keep a close eye on for the remainder of the year 2020 which can impact the economy, the recession and also the virus outbreak.
- Last week of March 2020 until 1st week of April 2020 when Mars conjunct Pluto and Jupiter and Saturn. Expect the Mars and Saturn tight conjunction to create more havoc and violence or fire accidents in some manner. Particularly, March 30th, 31st, April 1st and April 2nd 2020.
- 3rd April 2020, Jupiter-Pluto conjunction. Followed by retrograde Jupiter conjunction with Pluto starting 19th June 2020 to almost entire month of July 2020 (particularly until 20th July 2020). Jupiter closely moves along with Pluto in the window of the eclipse during the month of June and July, hence this will be a major month as well.
- Saturn retrograde back into Capricorn where he will conjunct Pluto once again, starting 2nd July 2020 at the time of the eclipse .
- Ketu entered Mula nakshatra on 30th March 2020. Until Ketu exits the mula nakshatra in transit (which will happen on 27th October 2020), I do expect the events to be unsettling. The peak of this Ketu in mula nakshatra transit and influence will be when it is exactly in the middle where the galactic center is located. The middle portion of this transit will coincide exactly with the months of June-July 2020 (during which the eclipses will occur). Interestingly, Ketu exiting Mula nakshatra marks almost one year anniversary of the first occurrence of the Corona virus in Wuhan, China (17th Nov 2019).
- 13th Nov 2020, Jupiter’s final conjunction with Pluto before moving forward in capricorn. Two weeks before and after this conjunction will also be important given that Jupiter is a slow moving planet.
- Nov 29тАУ30. 2020 Lunar Eclipse (Penumbral). + or – 1 month of the eclipse window will also bring events to the surface.
- Dec 14. 2020 Solar Eclipse (Total) which closely coincides with the Jupiter-Saturn exact degree conjunction on 18th Dec 2020 at the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius. Venus participates in this eclipse. So, trade and diplomatic relationships is expected to be impacted.+ or – 1 month of the eclipse window will also bring events to the surface. Also, this eclipse is close to the winter solstice. So, it is going to have a long-term consequence.
- Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, a major celestial event lasting almost from 12th Dec 2020 until 15th Jan 2021 (as both Jupiter and Saturn are slow moving planets, they will remain within the 3 degree orb of each other for almost a month). This will have huge impact on financial institutions, stock markets, oil and any religious/law related flavors as well. Since, this will happen in the sign of Aquarius which is a humanitarian sign of democracy and ruling large groups of people. I expect some huge laws and regulations to be strictly enforced!
- Rahu and Ketu change signs to Tropical Gemini/Sagittarius on May 3rd 2020. The virus outbreak can begin to slow down at this point. However, expect some huge focal point on media/communication and its role in society. I expect some investigations to be done and scams/fake news/ hidden information to be revealed. This revelations can leave the world in disbelief such as the original numbers of deaths, corruption charges against large institutions of the world. The Rahu and Ketu transit in tropical Gemini/Sagittarius axis will last until 19th January 2022. So, during this time, I expect some interesting media connections/revolutions/ focus on religious institutions (Ketu in Sagittarius, natural 9th house) and also scientific breakthroughs to be revealed.
- Mars transit for almost a period of 6 months in the sign of Aries. This is starting from 28th June 2020 until 6th Jan 2021. Mars transit in the nakshatra of Asvini will be most important for any vaccine related breakthrough. This is expected to happen from 6th Aug 2020 until 15th October 2020. Particularly, during this time expect the healers and physicians of the world to take center stage and things to happen swiftly with great speed. If there is a breakthrough it can happen quite fast or governments or markets may be expected to act fast. More importantly this time, Mars will also move retrograde in the nakshatra of Asvini from 10th September 2020 until 15th October 2020. Later, he will move direct once again in the Asvini nakshatra from 19th Dec 2020 (right at the time of the eclipse window and Jupiter-Saturn conjunction time) until 18th January 2021.
- Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Mars retrogression periods will be most important times to closely watch for. I would not be surprised if the virus outbreak cases cases subside or the stock market/bitcoin/oil prices appear to have recovered, and again crash/ or the virus makes a come back in Autumn-winter 2020-21. Particularly, the retrogression periods of Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Mars will be very crucial for this impact.
- Saturn moves forward into Aquarius on 17th Dec 2020 after the eclipse, so this should finally close the curtains on the 2020 show and chaotic times. However, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in transit do expect the impact to be felt first before things begin to cool down.
Fun fact 1: The name of covid-19 virus is called “corona”. ‘The SunтАЩs corona is the outermost part of the SunтАЩs atmosphere. The corona is usually hidden by the bright light of the Sun’s surface. That makes it difficult to see without using special instruments. However, the corona can be viewed during a total solar eclipse. Our Sun is surrounded by a jacket of gases called an atmosphere. The corona is the outermost part of the Sun’s atmosphere. The corona is usually hidden by the bright light of the Sun’s surface. That makes it difficult to see without using special instruments. However, the corona can be seen during a total solar eclipse. Hence, I think the annular solar eclipse occuring on June 21st 2020 will be more important for the impact of the virus outbreak. Hopefully, in that window of time the vaccine is discovered and pandemic can slow down.
Fun fact 2: This also supports the usage of tropical rasis very strongly. The primary area of the infection as a result of the virus is the lungs (pneumonia and respiratory disorders). The transit of Rahu and Ketu at the time of the Virus outbreak was in the tropical Cancer-Capricorn axis. Cancer as a rasi particularly shows the breast region which houses the lungs. In which ever rasi Rahu and Ketu are transiting and if those sign lords are impacted or hurt by other planets, then one can expect that organ or body part related ailment cases to increase. Of course, here we are talking about a powerful kalasarpa yoga related event at the time of an eclipse, no stopping that event from manifesting in the world!
Fun fact 3: Mula is the 19th nakshatra, the term covid-19 for the corona virus was announced when Mars was transiting in Mula nakshatra (information courtesy of my teacher Ernst Wilhelm)
Fun fact 4: See that most of us are working from home during the corona Virus cris. During this time, Rahu is transiting in the natural 4th house of cancer while Ketu is transiting in the natural X house of Capricorn. It is sort of like GOD is asking us to review our habits and impact on the world, the X house. The central administration and authoritative positions or people in the world (Ketu in capricorn) are being challenged and at wit’s end in handling the crisis. This is a test of leadership (Ketu in X house) and only one of those times when the best people rise to the occasion. The true leader shall deliver the results and show grit in handling the situation while the fake and weak leaders will be exposed. Further, mental health issues such as depression, panic attacks and phobias, loneliness and fears of the unknown situation such as death is plaguing the world (Rahu in cancer). How beautifully Tropical rasis astrology works and aligns well with world events! Now, more than ever we need psychologists, counselors and astrologers to assist people in the process of handling this crisis! Rahu in the 4th house has done exactly that of giving the limelight to psychologists/therapists/psychiatrists of the world.
As a concluding remark, I hope I have made a strong case study for the tropical rasi/sidereal nakshatra ayanamsa to be taken more seriously for more deterministic/accurate and scientific predictions.
My heart goes out to all those people who have lost their loved ones due to the virus outbreak. I continue to pray for the raise in the level of the global consciousness in these turbulent times. In the end, everything shall pass, this too shall pass. I hope we all have learned a valuable lesson at the end of this journey and our ego is bashed, so that we pay attention to nature and nurture all other species around us with care and empathy.
Stay safe, be strong and practice social distancing at the time of lockdown ЁЯЩВ
Lastly, there is no fun without leaving some leads onto the next research topic. So, for people interested in financial astrology/ stock markets/ bitcoin/ revolutions/ scientific breakthroughs/ artificial intelligence/ space-explorations/ shifts in consciousness on global scale or studying impact of technical evolution on monetary or finance institutions (for example: cryptocurrency), I suggest you to study the upcoming transits especially the conjunction of Rahu-Uranus in the earth sign/natural 2nd artha house of Taurus. Rahu enters tropical Taurus on 19th Jan 2022 and exits Taurus on 20th July 2023. During this time, Rahu will conjunct Uranus in Taurus around the window of time – June/July/August 2022. Particularly, the month of August 2022, the period of Jupiter transit to Aries (entry month of May-June 2022) and Jupiter retrogression to Pisces (Nov-Dec 2022), equinoxes, summer solstices and eclipses of 2022 will be very important trigger points in this transit. Also, pay attention to the double conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune in tropical Pisces and Rahu-Uranus in tropical Taurus.
Following the year 2022, in the year 2023 an interesting celestial phenomenon will happen. Jupiter enters Tropical Taurus 17th May 2023 and exits the sign on 27th May 2024 (1 year transit period). Around the month of April-May 2023, there will be a 6 planetary conjunction in the sign of Taurus (Jupiter-Rahu-Mercury-Moon-Sun-Uranus). In this window of time there will also be two eclipses 20 April 2023 (Total solar eclipse) and 5-6 May 2023 (Lunar eclipse). Jupiter will participate in these eclipses and is caught in close proximity to the Rahu conjunction (within 7-8 degree orb). Next, Jupiter will also conjunct Rahu in the sign of Taurus around last week of May 2023 until June 2023. The exact conjunction of Jupiter-Rahu happens on 1st June 2023. This means that entire months of May-June 2023 will be important but particularly 1st week of June 2023. Exactly around this time, something interesting happens celestially, Pluto changes sign from tropical Capricorn to Aquarius (finally, thank you!). So, I predict that the Jupiter-Rahu conjunction in Taurus to once again impact the stock/financial markets, religious institutions/leaders/ oil prices/ banks and currency.
Another very important upcoming transit in the year 2024 is that of Jupiter into the sign of Tropical Taurus where he will conjunct Uranus. Particularly, in the month of March-April 2024 (more precisely April 2024) will be very important.
As final remark on the upcoming years of 2022-2024, I predict that the Rahu transit in Taurus and conjunction to Uranus (along with Jupiter-Neptune conjunction period in Pisces) to setup the event. The midpoint or middle phase or transitory phase of this event will be when Jupiter and Rahu conjunct in Taurus. But, the final leg of this event will be Jupiter transit to tropical Taurus and Jupiter-conjunction to Uranus in tropical Taurus to deliver the event on global level. I wouldn’t be once again surprised if all of this will be connected to the year 2020 where the seed was sowed. So, we as astrologers must pay close attention to whatever will manifest and unfold in the world when Rahu is transiting in Taurus as that will be the first trigger. Needless to mention, please pay attention to the dates mentioned above and the dates of eclipses or outer planets like Jupiter or Mars crossing the points of these conjunctions or eclipse points. For example: Jupiter or Mars when transiting in Taurus will cross the eclipse points of year 2022 as given below. These will be major trigger points for these events as well. The events can manifest plus or minus 1 month of the dates mentioned below in the table due to the shadow of the eclipse as well as the nature of slow/outer planets involved in bringing the events to fruition.

In the above table Column A is the type of eclipse for years 2022-2023. Among all the dates, the events around or degrees triggered due to the total solar eclipse of 20th April 2023 will be most important. Following this will be the dates of the total lunar eclipses, then the rest. This must not be mis-interpreted as other dates not being important. Other dates listed in the table are also important, but just that they maybe less important.
Column B is the exact date of the eclipse for years 2022-2023.
Column C is the exact degree of the eclipse in the tropical rasis ayanamsa system. For example sake this is calculated on the date specified in column B for place Bangalore city, India. Also, this column gives the axis of the lunar eclipse.
Column D gives the important dates when Mars in transit crosses the eclipse degrees given in column C either by exact conjunction or opposition to those degrees. Note: This is calculated before or after the eclipse has occurred which depends on where Mars is located at the time of the eclipse. For example: 21 July 2022 is an important date relevant to the eclipse of 30 April 2022 because Mars is exactly crossing the eclipse point of 10:25 on that day. Another example: 29th June 2024 Mars in transit is at 15:38 Taurus which is the eclipse point of 8th Nov 2022, on the same day Uranus is transiting at 25:42 in Taurus which is the eclipse point of 15-16 May 2022. So, 29-30th June 2024 becomes an extremely important date since Mars and Uranus are triggering the sensitive eclipse points. Likewise, in column D, you will see some red colored highlighted dates such as 29th June 2024 and 28th May 2024. I have explained importance of 29th June 2024 above. Whereas for 28th May 2024, the significance is that in that transit of Mars crossing the eclipse point of 21:00 Aries, he will also be conjunct Rahu in same sign of Aries. This will be very important trigger. Particularly, for any violence or sudden explosive kind of events to manifest. It can also show some tremors and earth quakes kind of events on gross level.
Column E gives the important dates when Jupiter in transit crosses the eclipse degrees given in column C either by exact conjunction or opposition to those degrees. Note: This is calculated before or after the eclipse has occurred which depends on where Jupiter is located at the time of the eclipse. For example: On all these three dates: 15 Aug 2023, 24 September 2023 (retrograde Jupiter) and 20th March 2024, Jupiter in transit will be at 14:55 in the sign of Taurus (tropical rasi). 14:55 is the eclipse degree of the lunar eclipses of 8th Nov 2022 and 5-6 May 2023 respectively. So, all the three dates and respective months of these occurring dates – 15 Aug 2023 (August 2023), 24 September 2023 ( September 2023, retrograde Jupiter) and 20th March 2024 (March 2024), will be key dates for the events to manifest. Particularly pay close attention to the retrogression and stationary transit of Jupiter crossing the eclipse points and conjuncting Rahu/ Uranus in transit – such as month Sep 2023, Dec 2023 and Jan 2024.
Column F gives the important dates when Uranus in transit crosses the eclipse degrees given in column C either by exact conjunction to those degrees. Note: This is calculated before or after the eclipse has occurred which depends on where Uranus is located at the time of the eclipse. Uranus is slow moving planet, even during the retrogression phase does not touch many eclipse points. So, only two dates or months stand out which means, it is of great importance to expect some events that time – 23 June 2024 (June 2024) and 4 March 2023 (Feb-March 2023).
Likewise, many such interesting connections and co-relations can be made to all the dates listed in the table. I will leave that task to the students and researchers of astrology for now. Please pay attention to all the dates listed in the table, if you find any interesting patterns like these mentioned in the post, let me know as well. Also, other planets such as Venus and Mercury are not discussed here due to nature of their speedy transits. But, in the above mentioned dates if Mercury and Venus also participate and particularly if they are retrograde, one can expect much bigger grand scale events to manifest. Saturn is excluded because he is not directly triggering or participating in the eclipses. However, the other planetary aspects of Saturn in transit to transiting planets can definitely trigger big events. This must also be thoroughly investigated.
asato ma sadgamaya
tamaso ma jyotirgamaya
mrtyorma amrtam gamaya
om shanti shanti shanti.
реР рдЕрд╕рддреЛ рдорд╛ рд╕рджреНрдЧрдордп ред
рддрдорд╕реЛ рдорд╛ рдЬреНрдпреЛрддрд┐рд░реНрдЧрдордп ред
рдореГрддреНрдпреЛрд░реНрдорд╛ рдЕрдореГрддрдВ рдЧрдордп ред
реР рд╢рд╛рдиреНрддрд┐рдГ рд╢рд╛рдиреНрддрд┐рдГ рд╢рд╛рдиреНрддрд┐рдГ рее
Lead me from the asat to the sat.
Lead me from darkness to light.
Lead me from death to immortality
Om Peace Peace Peace.
(Brhadaranyaka Upanishad тАФ I.iii.28)
!! Hari OM !!
!! OM TAT SAT !!