Ketu is the incarnate of Lord Ganesha who is the symbol of cosmic vibration and thus is seen in Elephants. Elephants can communicate over few miles in low frequency vibration which is out of human audible range. Thus astrology becomes attached to Ketu. The reason I could think of is as astrologers we are tuning to the low frequency vibrations of the planets themselves which according to modern science is non existent at least as of today. The Maharisi’s during the satya yuga period or tretha yuga period (let’s say) did not maybe even cast a chart, all they did was observe the vibration of the planets and conclude the outcome. Not only that, Lord Ganesha is associated with all occult sciences, meditation and divine knowledge of Cosmos as he is represented by an elephant which has big head and big ears.
Here is some more info on the cosmos and it’s vibrations. We all know that Shiva in his form of Rudra is the dissolver of the Cosmos. Rudra is Shiva’s form of the cosmic winds. Science did not even know that there were cosmic winds or anomalies like they call magnetic cosmic storms roaming all over several galaxies until recently they landed on comet Rosetta.
Listen to the sound produced by a comet. Now see of inference of Rudra related to Ardra nakshatra. Rudra is Lord Shiva’s form of howling cosmic winds. Even more so listen to this beating of the “damaru” that Shiva hold’s in his hand (as seen in every Shiva picture), both sounds very closely resemble each other.
“Bhagavan Vyasa, the celebrated compiler of the Vedas, was the son of the great sage Parasara. It was he who gave to the world the divine epic of the Mahabharata.
Having conceived the Mahabharata he thought of the means of giving the sacred story to the world. He meditated on Brahma, the Creator, who manifested himself before him. Vyasa saluted him with bowed head and folded hands and prayed: “Lord, I have conceived an excellent work, but cannot think of one who can take it down to my dictation.” Brahma extolled Vyasa and said: “O sage, invoke Ganapati and beg him to be your amanuensis.” Having said these words he disappeared. The sage Vyasa meditated on Ganapati who appeared before him. Vyasa received him with due respect and sought his aid. “Lord Ganapati, I shall dictate the story of the Mahabharata and I pray you to be graciously pleased to write it down.” Ganapati replied: “Very well. I shall do as you wish. But my pen must not stop while I am writing. So you must dictate without pause or hesitation. I can only write on this condition?” Vyasa agreed, guarding himself, however, with a counter stipulation: “Be it so, but you must first grasp the meaning of what I dictate before you write it down.”
Ganapati smiled and agreed to the condition. Then the sage began to sing the story of the Mahabharata. He would occasionally compose some complex stanzas which would make Ganapati pause a while to get at the meaning and Vyasa would avail himself of this interval to compose many stanzas in his mind. Thus the Mahabharata came to be written by Ganapati to the dictation of Vyasa.”
If you watch the video above you will realize the importance of elephant and intelligence. Elephants are known to exhibit human emotions and very smart, creative animals even to the extent of many being able to paint, respond to music, dance etc. Astrology is both an intelligent and creative subject thus we need that aspect of knowledge as seen in an elephant and represented by Lord Ganesha.One other divine aspect of astrology is we have to show the client or anyone who approaches us the divine light via the wisdom or understanding we have gained. To an astrologer it doesn’t (or let me re-phrase in an ideal scenario shouldn’t matter) if it is a client who gives him several thousand dollars or someone who is in desperate need of help, at least that is how it was taught in the Gurukulas. Some astrologers back in India do practice it this way (but it is very subjective of course). This is perhaps the sattvic and dharmic use of astrology.That is why it is called Jyothish. Jyothi is that divine light which destroys the minds ignorance, darkness and directs us towards truth or GOD. The one fact sadly many people tend to forget is it should also not be misused. These are astrologers who swindle money from the public and find rajasic or tamasic use of astrology. What I mean by that is trying to beat the planets and in the process trying to outsmart the creator.  Even the fate of such people is represented by Lord Ganesha.
The story of his birth reveals that one has to severe the head of the ego before attaining any fulfillment in learning.The story of Ketu and lord Ganesha is very similar. During Samudra manthan (Churning of the cosmic ocean) Svarbhanu’s head was severed by Vishnu leading to creation of Rahu and Ketu while in the case of Lord Ganesha his human head was severed by Lord Shiva who is the destroyer of ego and then replaced by the head of an elephant indicating a supremely enlightened being who understands the sacred vibrations of the Cosmos. That is what the Rishi’s are trying to communicate to us when they represent Lord Ganesha with Ketu. In fact that is what they want us to finally reach in our lives. People can steal anything from us but not the knowledge or wisdom we have, that is what Ketu or Lord Ganesha represents. (Assuming cases like inception are absent haha). When one sheds the ego and begins to study the scriptures he will see GOD in every act so the chances of him misusing the study is minimal (at least in an ideal scenario). Thus he will gain wisdom via which he can guide others. This is the sattvic or dharmic aspect of Ketu. In that video about elephants all those researches are also associated with a Ketu career as they are working with elephants which is also a dharmic career. The lady scientist in the video sums it in the best sattvic way possible . When that interviewer asked her – “ do you feel the need to save them ?” to which she replies “it is my personal responsibility to protect them or I have no right to study them! ”.
Ketu is of mixed caste and also known to represent the past. Thievery is not something that people do of their will many a times. Their compulsions and needs force them in situations that they have to steal to make a living which can be linked to subconscious patterns. So what can one understand here? That their life is mostly dictated by their fate and very little use of their will. For instance, we know from astrology that people who have kala sarpa dosha are ones whose life is dictated by the nodes. In the same fashion, a thief comes under huge karmic influence of the nodes and the ill deeds of past life (let’s say if he were a soldier and robbed people of their riches during a war) such acts will have karmic bearing in the present life and he will end up us as a thief or at least show such tendencies. This is Ketu when associated with malefic, in dustana’s (evil houses) etc and represents his tamasic quality.
One who deals with Elephants is an elephant dealer be it a mahout, a poacher who steals ivory or even someone researching about them or even studying vibrations. Mathematics is the study of Cosmos and “patterns” in mother nature thus ketu is associated with it, same goes for astronomy. Vibration is also a pattern. Anything that has to do with a blast from the past is Ketu in particular like archaeology, geology, history etc. Ketu according to weapons chapter of Maharisi Jaimini astrology is said to rule time devices. Ketu is also one who grants moksha. If we piece these two together we have astrology too. How ? Astrology is the study of time and eye of the veda, thus puts one automatically on the track to moksha. Meditation is another method to attain moksha, ketu is needed for that too . What is meditation at the end of the day – learning to control “prana” vital life force and hence slowing aging, illness, death and time itself eventually. Telescopes are a scientists time machine while meditation is a yogi’s time machine. Look at the tortoise for a lesson, he is a fine example of a yogi also coincidentally represented by Saturn (Vishnu’s Kurma avatar)- a minimum life span of 120 years while the world record being 250 years (Longest living tortoise). Best part is he was also a vegan and today’s world sadly thinks they need to eat meat to be strong ;-). If we want to understand Saturn and yoga or sadhana we can learn from the tortoise. Saturn, Rahu, Ketu all seem entwined together whatever aspect of them you take as per real life or mythology too and they are the reasons of birth of a native on this planet.