Birth card reading
This is a foundational cards of truth reading. This reading is based on the cards of truth system created by Ernst Wilhelm. A birth card is calculated based on certain mathematical principles. For more information, please visit Ernst Wilhelm’s website – To find out your birth card, please use this link:
Based on the birth card, the person will have a certain characteristic, psychology, health, wealth and career etc. The cards system is really useful in fine-tuning the predictions based on the birth horoscope of the person.
From the Birth card, 13 more cards are drawn in the following order: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Ecliptic (or 10th house or mid-heaven cusp), Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The latter 3 planets are treated as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Uranus particularly is Brahma or creative force; Neptune is Vishnu or Preservative force and Pluto is Shiva or destructive or transformation force of nature.
Each of these cards represents very important features pertaining to the person’s life. Complex Vedic astrology principles and mathematical patterns will determine if a card is particularly good or not with respect to a native’s spread. To get an understanding of the cards of truth, please feel free to watch these videos and check out the content on my YouTube channel, where I explain the system in depth.
In this reading, I will read your birth card spread and explain the meaning of each card in your spread. Also, I will go through the most important focal cards for you in this lifetime. Depending on the tier of reading you choose and availability of time, future predictions will also be made.
Duration – 1 hr | [Recommended only to returning clients] | |
Duration – 90 min | [Recommended only to returning clients] | |
Duration – 2 hr | [Recommended to new and returning clients] |
After purchasing any of the above readings, please send me your details using the contact page and consultation form on my website.
Horoscope card reading
The horoscope spread is similar to a birth card spread. The main difference between the two is that the birth card reading is based on cards of truth software, while the horoscope spread is manually cast. The interpretations of both systems will be pretty similar.
The birth card system will be more accurate as the positions of planets are taken into account. Whereas in the horoscope spread, planets are completely absent (as it is cast manually). However, I will read the horoscope spread based on my intuition. For this purpose, I would also require your most recent photograph to connect intuitively.
I really like this spread and also recommend to clients who don’t have any birth records and are still interested in a card or astrology reading. Depending on the duration of the reading, 1-5 spreads will be cast and important events pertaining to your life will be revealed.
Duration – 1hr
Duration – 90 min
Duration – 2 hr
Prashna card reading
Prashna or question-based card reading will address your specific questions. This is more specifically an event-spread reading.
You may ask only one question per session. For example – will I get married this year? Is treated as one question. You cannot combine two sets of questions, like will I buy a car and a house this year? Such questions will lead to erroneous readings.
In this reading, I will cast the spread manually or use the Cards of the truth software to answer your question.
At the end of the reading, a clear action that needs to be taken with respect to the question will also be revealed. So it is a very useful reading for clients who are seeking answers with respect to the mode of action.
I will read the spread based on my intuition. For this purpose, I would also require your most recent photograph to connect intuitively.
Predictive timing with cards
Predictive timing readings are based on cards of truth software. It is therefore important to have the right birth records, especially the time of birth.
Specific event timing:
In this reading, you can ask me a specific question related to timing any one of the below areas of life:
Health, finance, siblings, travel, real estate, vehicles, education, children, diseases, relationships, business, foreign travels, career, marriage and spiritual practices.
Duration – 30 mins
General future predictions:
In this reading, I will look into your future card spreads and predict events pertaining to your life path, health, finance, real estate, marriage, travels and highlight important events for a specific year.
Duration – 1 to 1.5 hr for a 7-year period.
Duration – 2 to 2.5 hr for a 14-year period.
After purchasing any of the above readings, please send me your details using the contact page and consultation form on my website
Past life card reading
This is one of my favorite card readings. It will reveal a lot of information with respect to the evolution of the native’s soul. The purpose of current life along with major forces shaping this present life can be known. Additionally, it will reveal the remaining lessons that need to be learned in this lifetime.
I will read the spread based on my intuition. For this purpose, I would also require your most recent photograph to connect intuitively.
Duration – 30-45 mins